Grow As A Leader: Effective Strategies for Better Time Management

Billy Ryan
May 9, 2024
Grow As A Leader: Effective Strategies for Better Time Management

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. As a skill, managing your time wisely allows you to work smarter by setting priorities, making schedules, and eliminating disruptions. For leaders, optimizing your time leads to improved decision-making, productivity, and work-life balance.

Why Is Time Management Important?

Time is one of the most valuable assets in both life and business. With strong time management skills, you can accomplish more in less time, reduce stress, and focus on your most important goals. For leaders, poor time management can result in missed deadlines, lack of innovation, low employee morale, and subpar work quality. Developing excellent time management disciplines allows leaders to set a positive example for their teams and ensure projects stay on track.

How Does Time Management Impact Performance?

Research overwhelmingly shows that good time management directly correlates with improved work performance. Leaders who take charge of their schedules through organization and planning can thoughtfully allocate their effort where it matters most each day. They ensure there is adequate time for strategic thinking, creative problem solving, employee development conversations, and relationship building.

Specific performance advantages leaders gain through strong time management disciplines include:

  • Enhanced Innovation and Decision-Making: With sizable blocks of time dedicated to more crucial work, leaders have space for deep strategic thinking, weighing various options, and inventing creative solutions without distractions. Your choices also improve by not having to make quick, reactive judgements between back-to-back meetings.
  • Higher Productivity & Efficiency: By spending more time on important work instead of disorganization, leaders complete more high-impact tasks in less time.
  • Stronger Employee Performance: Smooth day-to-day operations, clear responsibilities, and defined deadlines among staff deliver exponential leader productivity gains. Effective planning, systemization, and delegation free up resources.
  • Healthier Work Culture: With fewer emergencies, more seamless operations, and reasonable workloads, employees feel more motivated and less stressed. Modeling strong work-life boundaries encourages better balance companywide.
  • Depth in Critical Relationships: Devoting uninterrupted time to truly connect with direct reports builds trust and loyalty. Understanding individuals’ strengths and motivations better tailors your support as a leader. By collecting staff feedback consistently, you also gain insights to inform better decisions.

Leaders who model excellent time management behaviors experience amplified performance across metrics like innovation, decision quality, productivity targets, employee effectiveness, and job satisfaction at all levels of an organization. By empowering your staff with good habits, you can create an efficiently functioning workplace culture poised for success.

Foundational Techniques for Effective Time Management

Mastering a few core techniques lays the groundwork for developing solid time management abilities. Once these skills become habit, managing time wisely will come naturally.


One essential strategy for managing time is prioritizing important tasks. Leaders can utilize frameworks like the Eisenhower Matrix (a grid for labeling tasks as urgent/not urgent and important/not important) or ABCDE Method (ranking items by priority categories A - Very Important, B - Important, C - Nice to Do, D - Delegate, and E - Eliminate) to categorize action items. Assigning levels of urgency and priority to obligations allows you to focus your efforts appropriately. High-priority tasks lead to the biggest impact and should occupy most of your time.


Knowing how to delegate tasks properly is key to freeing up leaders’ schedules. Leaders should hand off tasks better suited for others’ skill sets so they can concentrate on high-level responsibilities requiring their expertise, like strategic planning or decision-making. Effective delegation relies on clear communication of responsibilities and expectations. Leaders remain accountable for the final outcomes after doling out assignments.

Organization and Planning

Leaders who put systems in place to organize information and plan projects minimize time wasted searching for data or determining next actions. Calendars, to-do lists, file systems, and project plans give structure and ensure important items do not slip through the cracks. Managers should exhibit consistency using these tools to demonstrate their value firsthand.

Time Management Strategies

Once you have established the basic fundamentals of managing your time, different strategies can elevate your skills. Experiment to discover which techniques work best for your work style.

Time Blocking

Time blocking or calendar blocking segments your day into blocks devoted to specific tasks and responsibilities. Allocating set times for categories like emails, big project work, meetings, or strategic thinking discourages getting sidetracked. The structure helps ensure key priorities get the undivided attention they deserve.

Time Management Software and Apps

Technology offers many convenient tools for managing time wisely. Calendar tools like Google Calendar and Nifty help schedule appointments and let others know your availability. To-do list apps like Todoist and TickTock centralize tasks and track progress. Time tracking software like Timecamp and Clockify deliver data on where you spend time so you can identify areas for improvement. Using wider tools like project management, document, or communication software also enhances organization. Evaluate an array of options to build a technology stack matching your needs.

Applying Time Management to Daily Activities

Weaving time management practices into your regular routine sustains their effectiveness. From planning days in advance to establishing habits that limit interruptions, small adjustments make a significant impact. Leaders play a key role in right-sizing team activities to match available time.

How to Measure Your Progress

Consistently measuring progress is key for determining the effectiveness of time management techniques. Set aside a few minutes each day or week to assess how well activities align with priorities, identify progress made toward goals, and quantify where time is being spent.

Leaders can measure progress through:

  • Priority Alignment Checks: Review daily schedules and to-do lists against broader goals and top task lists. Check for misalignment where lower value activities receive too much time versus high-impact priorities.
  • Progress Tracking Systems: Record incremental progress toward major goals. Celebrating small wins helps boost motivation. Systems like basic task lists, Kanban boards, or automated reports visualize movement. Progress tracking assists with priority alignment checks by highlighting execution issues.
  • Time Audits: Conduct regular time audits using productivity trackers or time journals to understand how much time is being invested across different categories like content creation, meetings, administration, etc. Gaining insights on wasted time from habits like overplanning or overthinking emails can inform areas for improvement.
  • Observational Assessments: Leaders can utilize peer, employee, or mentor assessments around managing time and perceived effectiveness for unbiased progress measurements. Ask individuals who regularly interact with you to honestly share areas where you excel alongside potential gaps.
  • Stress Level Checks: Complete regular self-reflection around current stress levels/work-life balance satisfaction using journaling sessions or mood assessments. Getting a pulse on rising anxiety or sustainability challenges due to poor time management enables proactive adjustments to prevent burnout.

Revisiting metrics frequently ensures you detect when stronger time strategies or reduced obligations are required. Leaders must be willing to acknowledge low productivity or lack of meaningful progress. By regularly inspecting how time is being allocated and the results of those efforts, it's easier to spot the inefficiencies and work toward meaningful improvement.

Related: Effective Leadership Goal Setting Techniques

What Are the Challenges of Time Management?

Despite good intentions, most people face hurdles when attempting to improve their time management. Common obstacles include unrealistic goals, lack of motivation, poor planning, focus issues, disorganization, and difficulty saying no. These challenges get amplified for leaders also facing high responsibility levels, hectic schedules, shifting priorities, and diverse people demands like staff needs or stakeholder requests.

How Can Leaders Overcome These Obstacles?

As influencers guiding an organization’s direction, leaders play an integral role spearheading time management change. They can dismantle company cultures of unproductive meetings, overtime, and burnout by putting efficient systems and boundaries in place. Leaders should also adopt solutions targeting their weaknesses, whether it's by leveraging motivation strategies, honing focus through mindfulness practices, organizing through simple habit changes, learning delegation approaches, or setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) goals backed by accountability methods.

Related: Resilience and Adaptability as a Leader

Examples of Overcoming Time Management Challenges

Example 1: Improving Focus Through Mindfulness

As a busy director, Jamie struggles with constant distractions from emails and staff questions, finding it impossible to focus during strategic planning blocks. After learning mindfulness practices for improved concentration, Jamie starts integrating 10-minute grounding breathing sessions into the morning routine. Noticing an immediate difference in ability to focus for longer stretches, Jamie shares the technique with managers. After a month of mindfulness habits before priority work, the leadership team sees major gains in progress toward key goals.

Example 2: Role Modeling Effective Delegation

Micah, a new start-up founder and CEO, tries tackling all responsibilities single-handedly, working extreme hours daily. After missing several project deadlines that disappoint the board, Micah knows the workload is unsustainable. Seeking to encourage work-life balance while ensuring business needs are met, Micah makes delegating key tasks a priority.

Micah requires managers to document processes for handoff, trains staff on new responsibilities, and publicly recognizes individuals taking on delegated tasks during company meetings. Team members gain skills and the capacity to handle more strategic projects, and Micah has more time to focus on executive duties.

How to Integrate Time Management Into Personal Development Plans

Improving time management pairs perfectly with strong personal development planning for leaders and their teams. Growth occurs through continuous learning and intentional change. After assessing current abilities, leaders can create objectives like “develop consistent daily planning habit,” “role model work-life balance through behavior,” or “implement project automation to save 10 hours a month.” Translating goals into habits and processes builds lasting improvement. Checkpoints validate progress so plans adapt as needed.

Embedding efficiency into organizational operations takes a growth mindset shift at all levels. Evolving perspectives around time, shifting team priorities toward value-added work, and addressing less productive behaviors are pivotal. With influences like staffing power and resource control, executives can uniquely spearhead this culture reset. Modeling the changes you wish to see through your own actions while gradually implementing structural supports drives transformation.

Related: Personal Growth and Self-Improvement

Master Time Management and Fix Your Why

Fix Your Why can help you optimize your time through personal development coaching, seminars, and speakers. Our inspirational events create an environment for rediscovering your passion and purpose. Attendees walk away with an arsenal of strategies and a renewed motivation around goals.

Too often, poor time management stems from misalignment of priorities and values. By exploring your true “why,” you can set genuinely meaningful objectives that compel action. Our books, podcast, and online academy offer frameworks so you can find the deeper fulfillment needed to thrive. Development tools strengthen skills like decision-making and delegation so your schedule mirrors your soul’s purpose.

CTA: Contact us to learn more


What are the benefits of managing time effectively?

The benefits of managing time effectively include increased productivity and efficiency, less stress, improved work-life balance, hitting deadlines consistently, and higher job satisfaction. Good time managers also waste less time on frivolous tasks.

How does time management affect work performance?

Time management directly impacts work performance by ensuring effort stays focused on the highest-value responsibilities instead of wasted on disorganization or distraction. Workers concentrate time on priorities, skill development, innovation, and relationship building instead of constantly fighting fires.

Can time management reduce anxiety?

Yes, strong time management skills can help reduce anxiety. Having efficient calendars, plans, goals, and organization in place provides a sense of control. Keeping tasks moving according to a schedule minimizes worrying about things slipping through the cracks and allows more room for self-care.

Why is it hard to manage time?

Common obstacles that make managing time difficult include unrealistic expectations, frequent interruptions and distractions, inadequate planning and prioritization methods, difficulty saying no, weak organization habits, stress minimizing efficiency, lack of motivation, and poor focus or concentration skills.

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